Taking a second look can reap big results.
By Hale D. Cooper and Jack Dugan
Many companies, and their bottom lines, become stagnant as business drones on. Companies must grow to remain viable by constantly changing. The key to change is new perspective, internal or external, focused on sales combined with a step-by-step approach to action. In our case, 100 years of engineering and business management experience improved a multi-million dollar, East Coast Electrical Equipment Manufacturing Company (EEM, Inc.). Any company can benefit from this approach.
First, you must identify the problem from a sales perspective. Is the problem in the product, business process, or both? What will increase sales? As outside advisors with a perspective for change, we tested the market with new and existing customers. We found the unique circular design of the transformer created reliability issues in the manufacturing process and spilled over to sales results. Then, with EEM Inc., we redesigned the electrical component, transformer, and installation in the equipment.
Second, you solve any technical issues or improvements. You cannot sell a bad product or have unreliable production. One hour of downtime cost EEM Inc. $1500/hour in warranty cost. We saw the transformer was creating too much heat because of placement near electronics, vibratory noise, and frequency interference. These problems are common for electronics manufacturers. We solved these problems with various forms of shielding, insulation, and placement.
Finally, you integrate solutions into the business process. Solving problems is pointless unless you capitalize on them. After analyzing EEM Inc. from a sales perspective and solving technical issues, we had a new wind at the company. In cooperation with EEM Inc., we communicated the new changes to new and existing customers.
The result of the project was a 25 percent increase in territorial sales and no more $1500/hour downtimes for EEM Inc.
This step by step approach centers around one thing- new perspective focused on sales. In our case, it was a collaborative, outside sales perspective that created unified change at a compartmentalized company. We were able to reduce costs, identify new opportunities, and increase sales. New perspective, whether from inside or outside an organization, adds value by creating collaboration, new opportunities to connect with customers, and increases profit through reduced savings. Why not take a second look at your company?
Hale D. Cooper and Jack Dugan are two principles of Windward Group International, NA, a group with more than 100 years in strategic planning and sales experience that helps business to business clients achieve their goals by changing the bottom line. “EEM Inc.” is a fictional name used to replace the name of the actual company.
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